Maples Tearoom

About Us

About Maples Tearoom

Maples Tearoom was established in March 2020 at a challenging time for the world when the Covid 19 pandemic arrived. The proprietor, Mell Lloyd, took over the franchise after working for the Banks family in the Hergest Estate office for 28 years. Mell is supported by her husband Steve on weekends , who is Head Gardener at Hergest, and has worked on the Estate for over 40 years. Also on hand to help Mell in the tearoom are her loyal staff.    

When the tearooms were first opened, they could only provide takeaway food due to the Covid restrictions. As life slowly began to return to normal, they moved to table service with distancing. Eventually it became the popular and busy, dog-friendly place to eat and meet friends and family that it is today.

The terrace at Maples Tearoom featuring beautiful flowers and outdoor furniture
Maples Tearoom eating area

A delicious range of light lunches, home-made cakes, ice creams and cream teas are on offer which can be eaten inside the tearoom, or on a bright sunny and warm day, outside on the terrace or veranda with admission to the gardens. Various allergies are catered for including gluten free, dairy free, vegan and vegetarians with both savoury and sweet foods. 

Maple Tearooms is a perfect place to stop off when visiting Hergest Croft Gardens. In the winter months when the gardens are closed the tearooms stay open on various days and a Sunday roast is available on set days. 

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About Hergest Gardens

The Hergest Estate extends to over 1,000 acres and runs along the river Arrow valley southward to Hergest Court, up to Hergest Ridge and along the Back Brook valley to the north.  

The Hergest Croft Garden is 70-acres and has stunning views towards the Black Mountains. Created over 120 years by four generations of the Banks family, Hergest Croft has a unique collection of over 5,000 rare plants, trees, and shrubs contained within various parts of the garden.  

The Kitchen Garden contains a traditional vegetable and fruit garden with many rare varieties. under an avenue of ancient apple trees. 

A view across the lawns with large trees in the background
The Spring Border at Maples tearoom featuring orchard tree, flowers and a bench

The Azalea Garden is dominated by a massive avenue of blue cedars planted in 1900. Spectacular azaleas combine with a vast range of exotic champion trees.  

Maple Grove was planted with new and re-introduced species from 1985 following the re-opening of China to western plant collectors. 

Park Wood lies some half a mile from Hergest Croft and has a secluded valley hidden deep within an ancient oak wood containing over 30 acres of giant hybrid and species rhododendrons and exotic trees.  

The spectacular spring and autumn colour makes this a garden for all seasons. 

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